What#39;s Weird on Earth: Our strange world as you#39;ve never seen it before! By DK

What's Weird on Earth: Our strange world as you've never seen it before! : DK: : Libros What#39;s Weird on Earth: Our strange world as you#39;ve never seen it before!

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Product is fine. What#39;s Weird on Earth: Our strange world as you#39;ve never seen it before! Presentation and topics are great. Go for it. Good for 10 and up What#39;s Weird on Earth: Our strange world as you#39;ve never seen it before! Excellent What#39;s Weird on Earth: Our strange world as you#39;ve never seen it before! Comprato come regalo x un ragazzino di 11 anni che sta studiando l’inglese. Magari non conosce proprio tutte le parole però nel contesto completo capisce quel che c’è scritto. Il libro tratta temi interessanti di cose vere ma strane nel mondo. I testi sono corti. Ho notato che dopo aver letto qualcosa nel libro, quando la cosa incuriosisce, spesso va su google per leggere e scoprirne di più. What#39;s Weird on Earth: Our strange world as you#39;ve never seen it before! Brought as a book for my Y3/4/5 class to dip into during free reading and has been perfect for this purpose. It’s the second most popular choice of book the first being ‘Where’s the Unicorn!’ and it does tend to be a popular read for the boys than the girls, but it’s always being read by someone during free reading. What#39;s Weird on Earth: Our strange world as you#39;ve never seen it before!