Summary ¼ PDF, DOC, TXT or eBook ´ Mark Dice
This is the first book by Mark Dice that I've read. Although, I've been a viewer of his YouTube channel for about a year now. I found a lot of the information interesting, but overall it felt more like a primer to get you started. And if you feel inclined, you can do more research into the topics that interest you. I did make some notes, and I want to look into some of the books and videos brought up. It was worth my time. Paperback Good introduction to the subject matter, concise and covers most important aspects. A bit speculative at times of course, but an important counterpoint to the fake mainstream nonsense we are fed day in and day out. Paperback So much better than his other book! It is a great book to refer people to who are trying to understand what the New World Order is why they should care. My internet research lead me to this book, whilst he says this book will lead you to your own research. Either way, the evidence is just overwhelming and one would be amiss to ignore it. It is absolutely crucial that people start waking up to what's going on, so they can be empowered to change it. There are plenty of topics in this book that one could investigate further. There is no excuse for ignorance on the subject of mankind and the environment being enslaved on every level to satisfy the insane greed and cruelty of a few. Paperback Yuck!
Definitely not y type of book. The author's homophobia and extreme conservative rhetoric was too much for me couldn't finish this book. Paperback Now, I know, very well, that people like to discount Conspiracy Theories, so-called. Yet, I have read this book, very carefully. I have also studied much of the available materials regarding aliens, and the suicides of certain people who have witnessed things, in great detail. Yes, some are outlandish, I agree.
That did not stop me from diving into this book (and five others at the same time).
This, of all books that I have read on the subect/s, is THE BOOK to read.
Check it out. You already saw the programs on television- but, then again, the new commercials will be on during the Superbowl. So, yeah. Just make some popcorn, and read this book! You may want a glass of Champagne- and a good Cigar too.
Happy Birthday!!! With Love, Zachery Polk/Prospect Studio The Bluesilingus People! #Education Paperback
What is the New World Order? Proponents say that it's an anticipated new era of global cooperation between diverse nations and cultures aimed at ushering in a utopia providing all the earth's citizens with everything they need.
Detractors claim it's the systematic take-over by secret societies, quasi-government entities and corporations who are covertly organizing a global socialist all-powerful government which aims to regulate every aspect of citizens lives, rendering them a perpetual working-class while the elite leadership lives in luxury.
Conspiracy theory expert Mark Dice looks at the evidence, claims, and conspiracy theories as he takes you down the rabbit hole to The New World Order.
- Calls for a New World Order by Politicians and Businessmen
- World Governed by the Elite Through Occult Secret Societies
- Mainstream Media Controlled by the Elite
- High Level Officials and Institutions are Above the Law
- Why Immorality and Destructive Behavior is Encouraged
- Banking, Money, and Taxes
- One World Currency
- Population Reduction
- One World Religion
- A Coming Global Dictator Who Will Claim to be God
- Global Police and Military Force
- A Nation of Spies and Culture of Fear
- Elimination of the Right to Bear Arms
- Elimination of National Sovereignty
- Monitoring the Population with Big Brother
- A Medicated and Sedated Population
- Weather Weapons and Chemtrails
- Nephilim and Anunnaki
- Satanism and Luciferianism
- Underground Bases and Tunnels
- And More
By the author of The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction
The New World Order: Facts \u0026 Fiction
Very enlightening! Mark did his homework, again! Paperback A lightweight vanilla rehash of NWO info. Unoriginal, banal and an insult to any reader with more than 2 brain cells on active duty. Paperback