The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy: The Quintessential Phase (Hitchhikers Guide BBC Radio Series #5) By Douglas Adams

I listened to this via Audible.

The Quintessential Phase is the last part of the adaptation of Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide trilogy into a radio production. It also feels like it is the most-changed of all the three phases that were produced after the author's death. The cast and crew knock things out of the park as always, and it was fantastic to listen to. If you enjoyed everything up until this point you'll like this as well.

If you've read the books, you may recall that the last one is darker overall than the rest of the series, especially the end. This is where most of the changes come in, wrapping everything up with a much happier bow and leaving things open for Eoin Colfer's And Another Thing...

This is another solid recommendation, and the whole series is great and worth a listen for anyone and everyone. Science Fiction, Mystery, Humor The final entry into the radio plays shows just how far afield Adams got from his original silly little radio drama about Arthur Dent. This very abbreviated phase introduces a number of Big Ideas inspired by the original work -- the notion of a probability continuum, most notably, and plural zones -- and it's a shame that Adams didn't get a chance to incorporate all these ideas right from the start, as they would have certainly led to some direction in the otherwise flabby middle episodes of the series.

This phase doesn't have much urgency to the plot, and rushes through large swaths of story to reach the ending... or non-ending, as it turns out, as all the characters come back out for one final bow. This is, perhaps, as satisfying an ending as you could expect from a storyline that's taken the listener through multiple dimensions and character iterations: there isn't one pat ending, because there isn't one single storyline, but a whole great mishmash posing as a coherent story. The quintessential phase is an attempt to reign in all the scattered particles of story and put a neat bow on it. It doesn't quite work.

The neatest ending, however, would have been not to end at all and to leave the story back at the end of the original Hitchhiker's story -- Arthur and Ford, exploring a strange, unexplainable universe with only a trusty towel and a battered Guide to lead them. Science Fiction, Mystery, Humor Well, well, well. This adaptation of the final, fifth book, Mostly Harmless, in the The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy, is the perfect ending. The book was widely criticised at the time of its release due to its darker feel compared to the previous 4 books. Well, the radio series makes up for this with an extended, alternative, ending.

As for the plot; Fenchurch has disappeared, the guide has been taken over and is due to be upgraded, Arthur, Ford, Zaphod, and Trillian/Tricia, all in seperate parts of the universe, if not in separate parallel universes, are trying their best to cope, fight back, and/or just live their lives as a sandwich maker. How the many strings, across many times and dimensions, are pulled together, is pure genius! Science Fiction, Mystery, Humor Post listen review:

Totally incoherent, rather plotless, completely insane and fully and thoroughly entertaining. My only complaint is that it is too short.

Pre-listen guess

Woohoo! Douglas Adams is (ok was) a genious at being funny! Finally something decent to listen to. Science Fiction, Mystery, Humor Probably the best and most quotable in the history of the universe.

More popular, certainly more successful than the Celestial Home Care Omnibus, better selling than Fifty-Three More Things to do in Zero Gravity, and more controversial than Oolon Colluphid's trilogy of philosophical blockbusters Where God Went Wrong, Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes and Who is this God Person Anyway? (quote Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)

I highly recommend. I've read it (the series) about 3 times and it never gets old. Science Fiction, Mystery, Humor

Panic! It's the last installment of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, with a brand new full-cast dramatization of Mostly Harmless, the final book in Douglas Adams' famous trilogy in five parts. While frequent flyer Arthur Dent searches the universe for his lost love, Ford Prefect discovers a disturbing blast from the past at. The Hitchhiker's Guide HQ. Meanwhile, on one of many versions of Earth, a blonder, more American Trillian gets tangled up with a party of lost aliens having an identity crisis. A stolen ship, a dramatic stampede, and a new and sinister Guide lead to a race to save the earth. . .again. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy: The Quintessential Phase (Hitchhikers Guide BBC Radio Series #5)

Stylistically speaking, this is as good as anything Adams ever wrote. A lot of people, however, object to the plot. The book upon which this is based is called Mostly Harmless, but it is anything but. The radio adaptation, however, pretends the ending was all an elaborate joke and gives us several happy endings connected inter-dimensionally. While the last few minutes of this radio play (not written by Adams, as I understand) are funny enough, it does feel like a betrayal to the original story.
Mostly Harmless IS supposed to be that devastating. Arthur Is supposed to *spoiler* lose Fenchurch because of a stupid bureaucratic clause, and everyone is supposed to die horribly so that Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz can put a tick inside a box. That's just the universe.

But apart from that, the Quintessential Phase has some great bits, like the whole Sandwich Maker fit in Lamuella, and perhaps the most beautiful couple in all of literature, Arthur and Fenchurch. Science Fiction, Mystery, Humor Probably the best of the bunch,I laughed a lot and got the hang of things.Everything somewhat came together,loads of explanation also surprises quite like instellar in a way of travel,loops,planet jump of sorts.I pretty much enjoyed this a bit sad it's over.The Radioplay production sounds a lot of fun! Science Fiction, Mystery, Humor 3.5
While this is still fun you can feel that the series is really trying at this point Science Fiction, Mystery, Humor Seriyi böylece bitirmiş olduk. Son kitap en eğlencelisiydi sanki. 10. gezegen Rupert, Arthur'un kızı Random Frequent Flyer Dent, bir bilim olarak astroloji.. Science Fiction, Mystery, Humor Fenchurch, when are you off work?
Shortly after the apocalypse
Do you wanna go fly with me then?
I'm not crying, you're crying.
This one actually profited from the fast pace and is still one of my favorites of the series in general. Science Fiction, Mystery, Humor


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