The Depression Cure: The Six-Step Programme to Beat Depression Without Drugs By Steve Ilardi
The Depression Cure[The 6 Step Program to Beat Depression Without Drugs] [DEPRESSION CURE] [Paperback] The Depression Cure: The Six-Step Programme to Beat Depression Without Drugs
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Easy to follow, research based steps to beat depression. Recommended reading from a friend who has tried many things to cure depression and said this was one of the best books he has read about this illness. I do have one very big question, which is not answered in the book, or any of the videos I have found by Dr Ilardi. If any reader has the answer, I would be most grateful. The question is, how long should the supplements be taken for? Especially the Omega Oils. The book explains what dosis and what to do during an episode of depression, but there is no info about when to stop and how to do it, or long term use as a preventative measure. I have emailed Dr Ilardi to try to get an answer, as he makes his email address easily available online, but there has been no response. If I hear from him, I would come back to this review and updated. In the mean time, if anyone has any knowledge they can share, or pointers towards scientific literature, I would be most gratefulchokengtitik
titikchokengs. please do not let me question prevent you from buying this book. It is still the best resource I have found to treat depression and highly recommend it. The Depression Cure: The Six-Step Programme to Beat Depression Without Drugs Four stars for being a good book that has a grounded, re assuring feel to it. Neither a rant against society, medicine or sufferers themselves, nor a promo for perhaps boring and perhaps frightening establishment treatments (which I feel treat statistics better than the unwell). Dr Ilardi is a concerned and dedicated professional looking for success in helping people with depression to get well. He has interesting things to say on many aspects of the illness and on treatment approaches. The core of the book is his six step plan, which may well work and is helpful even when not followed as fully as he advises (I say this bearing in mind my own appreciation for simple reassurance). I read books by Dorothy Rowe and a Dr Preston and ones from the 'Overcoming' series, and Wolpert's rather depressing account of his depression, years ago and despite finding Preston's (rather expensive) book helpful, chiefly because it was a nice thin volume accessible when in a bad way (unlike the others), really I got put off self help. This book by Dr Ilardi has been a breath of fresh air. I think it is worth a read and I think the nice practical ideas are good. Ilardi is wary of drug treatments in the mild to moderately depressed but says they are very helpful in severe cases. If one is on drug treatment and they feel it might not be appropriate then they should talk to their doctor and take guidance in reducing or stopping medication. This is typical and sound advice and I know from sad experience that antidepressants do work, even if they don't always work well enough, and stopping when you feel well again without supervision can lead to a return of symptoms. This is not to say that the drugs simply mask the symptoms but rather that the condition can be helped in various ways and has various interlinked causal elements. During a bad period over Christmas I found that, along with this book, Sunbathing in the Rain by Gwyneth Lewis was a comfort in desolate states and it reminded me that alcohol is a common one of those causal factors for some of us. The Depression Cure: The Six-Step Programme to Beat Depression Without Drugs Like others, I have never finished a book on depression before picking up this one. I would highly recommend this book the advice is well thought out and explained in layman's terms all the recommendations are doable and I completely agree that meds do not work and side effects can be horrendous. There is one extra thing you will need to get back on track though willpower with that, and this book you will improve. The Depression Cure: The Six-Step Programme to Beat Depression Without Drugs I was researching into rumination prior reading ''The Depression Cure'' and to have idea's and other stories of people's experiences was very helpful. I think the cod liver oil has helped a lot but finding a cheap substitute has been quite difficult. I found in the U.K Holland & Barrett have sales now and then on Omega 3 fish oil with the added vitamin D3 that you get from the sun which I found for £5.99 usually £19.99 with a combined mg of 663 for EPA and DHA. All the information was very useful but for me those parts resonated with me most. The Depression Cure: The Six-Step Programme to Beat Depression Without Drugs Firstly, this is an easy book to read, with interesting facts about depression and constructive ideas on how to alleviate depression, which cannot fail if you follow the plan, apparently.Amongst the suggestions are Fish oil, exercise, daily light exposure, hobbies, healthy sleep and connection with others.Unfortunately, this last idea is the one I struggle with the most and I can't be the only one. We don't all have family members to lean on or close friends we can meet regularly, and this isn't something Dr Illardi fails to address in his book what do you do if you don't have a network of support you can turn to?For this reason, my expectations of recovery went down, but the ideas in this book will help others and it is with reading. The Depression Cure: The Six-Step Programme to Beat Depression Without Drugs