The Colonialism of Human RightsOngoing Hypocrisies of Western Liberalism By C Samson
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The Colonialism of Human RightsOngoing Hypocrisies of Western Liberalism : Samson, C: : Böcker The Colonialism of Human RightsOngoing Hypocrisies of Western Liberalism
Samson provided meaningful insights into the multiple articulations of colonialism and human rights which shaped the historical underpinnings of democracy and slavery. Poignant and discursive, Samson traversed through identities privileging “cultural superiority based on the inferiority of others…” As a colonial subject, the book is a substantial contribution to the understanding of the various rationalizations, denials, hypocrisies and paradoxes of human rights from Europe and North American diaspora. Samson’s sociological lens, which explored the intersections of colonialism and human rights (ie empirical, theoretical and political dimensions), also interweaved with art, literature, film and creative non fiction. Overall, Samson decolonized human rights by demonstrating the ‘titanic inequalities’ of Western liberalism in the pretext of democracy and comes highly recommended! C Samson