He Felt Unwell (So He Wrote This) By Grant Chemidlin
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Grant Chemidlin ✓ 5 review
Ce livre est incroyable, je ne savais pas trop à quoi m’attendre en achetant ce livre, j’étais très curieuse de le découvrir et maintenant c’est un de mes livres préférés. Personnellement Il m’a apporté quelque chose que je ne saurais expliquer, quelque chose propre à moi même bien sûr, chacun sa vision des choses, mais je pense que c’est important de le dire. J’ai vu et je vois les choses d’une manière différente, intrigante, rassurante, beaucoup d’émotions et de sentiments partagé aussi. He Felt Unwell (So He Wrote This) Me ha sorprendido muchísimo porque no conocía al autor, me encanta el libro y la manera en que está decorado. He Felt Unwell (So He Wrote This) I have spent my fair share of time going through the poetry section at the library but this book stands out for many reasons: 1. The cover isn't black and white (like pretty much every other poetry book) 2. The art work adds so much to each piece and makes most pages frame worthy 3. progression of poems are inspiring and 4. The work is emotional, approachable, and moving. I find myself picking it up over and over and even put it next to my Shel Silverstein books. It has an element of whimsy, which is a word I don't use often, but it is true. I will be buying to give as gifts. He Felt Unwell (So He Wrote This) Bei Liebeskummer fühlt man sich bei diesem Buch sehr verstanden. Sehr schöne herzschmerz Gedichte durch die man sich ein bisschen weniger alleine fühlt. He Felt Unwell (So He Wrote This)
I love this poetry He Felt Unwell (So He Wrote This) Same as the picture..i love it He Felt Unwell (So He Wrote This) Decent He Felt Unwell (So He Wrote This) I bought this after seeing the author promote it on tiktok. I thought this was going to be fantastic, sadly it was the opposite. I have never been infuriated in my life than trying to read this. Putting the ‘poems’ in swirls so you have no idea what it says ? He Felt Unwell (So He Wrote This) I absolutely loved reading this. Was emotional, read in one sitting as I couldn’t put it down. I will continue to pick it up as it’s some poems are captivating. Author smashed it He Felt Unwell (So He Wrote This)