Doctrine of Repentance By Watson
Still reading, but an interesting book that gives us something to think about. It will cause you to do some soul seaching, if you truly love God, because this is real, no none sense, ole fashion teaching; which in my humble opinion is a lost art today. From what I've Sadly, we live in an age where everyone does what is right in his own eyes; An age where there is no distinguishable difference between the Church and the unbelieving world. Too many Christians today want to be saved in their sins not from their sins. But Jesus said, An excellent study on a subject that has been so watered down and rarely taught in modern day Christianity. We do not truly understand what repentance is now days unfortunately. But this old classic is so full of wisdom and knowledge that it will convict you of your lack of
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If you are looking for a short (but deep) book on not only what repentance is conceptually, but also practically, this is your book. I bought this book after a period of rebellion and the Lord used it many times to both convict me of sin and to give me hope. The Repentance is a word whose meaning and the force thereof has been incredibly diluted and cheapened. I am one of those responsible for doing so and therefore, like many others, need to be rebuked and corrected. I have known of no exposition on repentance forceful than I read this book with one purpose in mind to grow in my hatred of sin and sincerity towards God. Towards that end this book worked wonders on me and I can honestly say that I have been changed for the better by reading this book. The author, like many puritan writers, I appreciate the imagery and wide base of knowledge Watson uses to illustrate his points. I keep coming back to a few quotes from this book that change the way I think about repenting. St. Augustine said, Repentance damns many. How true. We put our faith in repentance A book exclusively on repentance is exceedingly rare in our day, almost non existent. This is especially noteworthy when one considers the significance of the doctrine. Watson notes in the introduction that faith and repentance are the two great graces essential to a