Critiqued: Inside the Minds of 23 Leaders in Design By Christina Beard

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Buy Critiqued: Inside the Minds of 23 Leaders in Design 1 by Beard, Christina (ISBN: 9780321897411) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Critiqued: Inside the Minds of 23 Leaders in Design

It's a good read for any amateur or professional designer. It shows the different thought process of various designers that can be extended beyond design onto different areas. You will identify yourself in some of them and learn from others. It's a book that doesn't need to Christina Beard Very clever idea that made it into a book. While some examples/transitions seem a bit intentionally constructed to provoke a lot of modifications to the concept, the process and overall insight into the process of various designers makes for a very interesting read. Christina Beard