Critical Role: Tal#39;Dorei Campaign Setting By Matthew Mercer
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I thought I had this book, but I did not. So I bought it and am happy with it in my collection. It even came with the map! Critical Role: Tal#39;Dorei Campaign Setting We’ve recently gotten into DND, my other half is our dungeon master and she is also moderately obsessed with Matthew Mercer, so when she finds out that he hosts the show critical roll and released this book, obviously I had to get it her. The book is excellent, very Critical Role: Tal#39;Dorei Campaign Setting Fantastic. Exactly what I wanted. It arrived in good condition as well, and a day earlier than expected. Its full of really helpful campaign ideas, world history and law, and even character and NPC guides. It also came with a large separate world map, and the book describes Critical Role: Tal#39;Dorei Campaign Setting I'm a massive fan of Critical Role. I jumped at the chance of owning a small part of the Matthew Mercer world building genius. I wasn't disappointed. Homebrew classes, ideas for quests, deity adaptations and city descriptions and a map of Tal'Dorei to detach from Critical Role: Tal#39;Dorei Campaign Setting Sou fã de critical rola des do episódio 10 da primeira temporada. É muito bom ter o livro e poder criar minhas proprias aventuras em um mundo tão rico quanto Exandria. A qualidade é tao boa quanto os originais da WOTC e ele vem com um mapa. Super detalhado e bem trabalhado. Critical Role: Tal#39;Dorei Campaign Setting
I have nothing but good words to say about this incredible lore packed tome. Not only does the campaign settings contain concise descriptions of all the factions, histories and stories of Tal'Dorei, but it also contains incredible sections with statistics and rules to use Critical Role: Tal#39;Dorei Campaign Setting Bought this for my partner who's a huge fan of D&D and Critical Role. This book contains information about Tal'Dorei and it's history and locations than you could possibly need. Towns I don't even remember being mentioned in the campaign have sections dedicated to Critical Role: Tal#39;Dorei Campaign Setting It never ceases to amaze me that this book is just a fragment of a massive world, one which at it's inception was created by just one man. As a budding new dungeon master and long time world builder, it is a truly inspiring read to the point where usually with source Critical Role: Tal#39;Dorei Campaign Setting Two years ago, if you'd asked, I probably wouldn't have been able to say with any degree of confidence what D&D actually was – other than an 80's cartoon and a film Jeremy Irons was once in. Then, very early into the series I stumbled across Geek & Sundry's 'Critical Role' Critical Role: Tal#39;Dorei Campaign Setting This is a great book! Its full of information without being too full on, which means that for DMS we can change things a bit and fill in out own gaps to make it suit to our players. Having knowledge from the show does help but its presented in the book in a manner that Critical Role: Tal#39;Dorei Campaign Setting
Buy Critical Role: Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting 1 by Mercer, Matthew, Haeck, James (ISBN: 9781934547847) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Critical Role: Tal#39;Dorei Campaign Setting