Für andere kaufen By Elizabeth George

Recht interessanter Plot mit ungewöhnlichem Ende und genauer Charakterzeichnung der betroffenen Familie, vor allem der Mutter (den Typ kenne ich leider viel zu gut!). Lynleys Liebesgeschichte langweilt mich. Kindle, 0,00 € , Gebundenes Buch, Taschenbuch Die inneren Handlungen machen Elizabeth Georges Romane für mich zu einem besonderen Genuss. Selten lerne ich die Agitatoren einer Geschichte derart hautnah kennen. Das macht es manchmal lang, packt es mich jedoch an solch tiefen Wurzeln, dass ich nicht gewillt bin ihre Kindle, 0,00 € , Gebundenes Buch, Taschenbuch I've loved this series but I found this book rather frustrating. Elizabeth George gives Ardery way too much vindictive power over Havers. If she so concerned about her ability to do the job she should have gone down the disciplinary/capability route, not resentfully turn Haver's life into a living hell. (Workplace bullying comes to mind). I realise Havers overstepped the mark in the last book, but there are processes for dealing with it that do not involve an individual senior person behaving like Ardery. Lynley isn't really helping, just fence sitting, trying to have his cake and eat it. Police are seriously scrutinised and HR issues are dealt with professionally and systematically. The Ardery/Havers thing is nonsense. As for the story it was rather convoluted and narratives about minor characters and their relationships made the book very long. Poor Lily gets quite a bit of story time at the start of the book but fades away to nothing. Caroline Goldacre is pretty hard to get a handle on. Clearly very disturbed (probably psychiatrically ill) and obsessed with sex but still able to hold down a job and manage day to day relationships. She's a stereotype than a real character.Overall it was an interesting read and if you've read other Elizabeth Georges you know what you getting. I just found it too long, too many extraneous characters and I'm fed up with Ardery. Just as a side comment: Why does the author write the dialogue in some weird dialect? They speak English for goodness sake! C'n is NOT Can!! Kindle, 0,00 € , Gebundenes Buch, Taschenbuch Although I have been a fan of the Inspector Lynley novels, there has always been something about them that has marred my reading enjoyment. Elizabeth George has failed to observe how over time, in the Britain where she places her characters, there have been considerable changes in language and behaviour. Much of her dialogue now unfortunately makes me want to laugh out loud and I am reminded, when her characters speak their supposedly authentic English, of the terrible caricature of Dick Van Dyke playing a cockney in the film of Mary Poppins. This is particularly true in any dialogue which features Winston Nkita. Has she actually ever met any black people living in London?She's written a rather good story which unfolds with satisfying tension but her main characters have now become stuck in a past which no longer exists. This makes them and their actions less than credible. Are we really to believe that an intelligent, determined woman such as Barbara Havers is so unwilling to make the slightest concession in her life and work and will never be able to move forward?I actually found the book extremely irritating despite the ingenious plot because of her rather inept mastery of the English language. What is this strange patois that she has her characters speak. ? Why is almost every word of dialogue abbreviated ? Sorry, but no Elizabeth George for me. The formula has become overworked and hackneyed. Kindle, 0,00 € , Gebundenes Buch, Taschenbuch E.George schafft es wieder einmal, den Leser mitzunehmen auf eine Reise in die Grafschaft Dorset. Barbara Havers macht die Hauptarbeit, wird aber von der Sekretärin Dee auf amüsante Weise abgelenkt! Elizabeth George präsentiert interessante, manchmal nervende Hauptfiguren Kindle, 0,00 € , Gebundenes Buch, Taschenbuch

Georges mystery unfolds with great psychological depth, finely drawn characters and gorgeous portraits of the English countryside [George] is an essential writer of popular fiction today. The Washington Post

The #1 New York Times bestselling authors award winning series returns with another stunning crime drama featuring Scotland Yard members Detective Inspector Thomas Lynley and Detective Sergeant Barbara Havers.Look out for Elizabeth Georges newest novel, The Punishment She Deserves.

The unspoken secrets and buried lies of one family rise to the surface in Elizabeth Georges newest novel of crime, passion, and tragic history. As Inspector Thomas Lynley investigates the London angle of an ever darkly disturbing case, his partner, Barbara Havers, is looking behind the peaceful faade of country life to discover a twisted world of desire and deceit.

The suicide of William Goldacre is devastating to those left behind who will have to deal with its unintended consequencescould there be a link between the young mans leap from a Dorset cliff and a horrific poisoning in Cambridge?

After various issues with her department, Barbara Havers is desperate to redeem herself. So when a past encounter gives her a connection to the unsolved Cambridge murder, Barbara begs Thomas Lynley to let her pursue the crime, knowing one mistake could mean the end of her career.

Full of shocks, intensity, and suspense from the first page to the last, A Banquet of Consequences reveals both Lynley and Havers under mounting pressure to solve a case both complicated and deeply disturbing. Für andere kaufen

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Die Bücher von E. George waren immer ganz oben auf meiner Liste. Aber die letzten Romane kommen nicht mehr an die ersten heran. Lynley und Havers entwickeln sich in eine Richtung die nur sehr schwer nachvollziehbar ist. Außerdem kommt Thomas Lynley in die diesem Buch nur Kindle, 0,00 € , Gebundenes Buch, Taschenbuch Endlich liefert Elizabeth George wieder einen soliden Plot, der Vintage George ist seit Helens Tod ging es mit der Reihe bergab. Hier haben wir eine Handlung, in der es um ein dunkles Geheimnis, eine schwierige Familiengeschichte, Rache und das nicht ganz einfache Kindle, 0,00 € , Gebundenes Buch, Taschenbuch Is it possible that George lost the interest in writing crime stories? Is it possible she is interested in doing novels with a serious psychological background? If so stop it Mrs George you're not good at that. As already pointed out by other Kindle, 0,00 € , Gebundenes Buch, Taschenbuch Sehr komplexe, gut durchdachte Geschichte manchmal etwas langatmig, dabei aber immer dicht an dem was die Charaktere bewegt Man kann richtig eintauchen in die Personen und die Geschichte.Typisch Elizabeth George eben. Was mir persönlich gut gefallen hat, dass Linleys Kindle, 0,00 € , Gebundenes Buch, Taschenbuch but sometimes I skip pages because too much time is given to streets names and the such but other than that the stories a other than that the stories are always well structured and interesting. Kindle, 0,00 € , Gebundenes Buch, Taschenbuch