2 X 2 = Boo!: A Set of Spooky Multiplication Stories By Loreen Leedy
Read this to my yr 4 class today and they adored it! Even the we think we're so sophisticated bright sparks at the back were enthralled.My own son got it tonight and demanded that I read it twice He is normally very reluctant to engage with maths.They all found the illustrations adorably gruesome and squirmed and squealed with delight.My only gripe It goes up to only 5x5 and I really wish that it went up to 10x or 12x! 2 X 2 = Boo!: A Set of Spooky Multiplication Stories
2 X 2 = Boo!: A Set of Spooky Multiplication Stories: Leedy, Loreen: 9780823412723: Books 2 X 2 = Boo!: A Set of Spooky Multiplication Stories
This is guaranteed to get your child, even the reluctant reader with low scholastic self esteem, to giggle and laugh. Please do buy a copy and buy a copy for your child's teacher! I was so impressed when my son was 3 years old I went through the trouble of finding it 8 years later for his little sister!My biggest gripe about this book my daughter wishes there were many other books in this series! And I can't blame her! 2 X 2 = Boo!: A Set of Spooky Multiplication Stories Love this book. Use it to teach and it is a great step by step read aloud for students 2 X 2 = Boo!: A Set of Spooky Multiplication Stories An instant hit with both my kids (2, 5 yr). Both of them understood multiplying 0, 1 very quickly. My older child is getting the bigger numbers. Some might be disappointed that the multiplication only goes from 0 5, but it is a great starter, lends to the comic book style stories, and if they really do get it, doing larger numbers shouldn't be a problem. 2 X 2 = Boo!: A Set of Spooky Multiplication Stories 5 comic strip style tales, well illustrated and each one focus's on a set of times tables starting with 0 and finishing on the 5 times table. Each story gives all the answers to each multiplication, which for my son was essential, as he won't try until he is certain he knows he CAN definitely work out the answer.My son is a very reluctant reader and writer, he is currently in year 1 and to get him to sit still is almost impossible. We sat down whilst I read this book to him using different voices for the two chatting cats in the first short story. My son sat through all 5 tales and afterwards had great fun pretending to make everything disappear using the 0 times table. He then began to pretend to cast magic using the 2 times table attempting to make chocolates multiply. On it continued all afternoon using 3, 4 and 5 times tables! He built a machine using Lego that when you put a Lego in, typed the multiplication, it increased the lego objects. Couldn't have asked for a better result. 2 X 2 = Boo!: A Set of Spooky Multiplication Stories ×0から始まって×10に至るまでを、絵でわかりやすく説明している本です。魔女、ネコ、ガイコツ、おばけ、ほうきにブーツに魔女帽子・・・図柄はぜーんぶ楽しいハロウィンです。 なかなかすごいと思ったのは、お化けが何匹出てきても、「×0」の呪文をとなえれば全部消える!(0になる!わかりやすい!) それでネコがお互いを消そうとして、「×0」の呪文合戦をしてたりとか(笑)とにかく楽しいです。ガイコツが目玉などの怪しい具材を、数を数えながら入れて出来上がるスープも最高です。 まだ掛け算を全然知らない4歳息子でも、×3くらいまではクイズ感覚で楽しんでいました。 どのページを開いてもどっぷりハロウィンですが、ハロウィンじゃない時期にも楽しみたくなる本です。 2 X 2 = Boo!: A Set of Spooky Multiplication Stories